
Monday, February 4, 2013

BioOne Glycolic Acid Cream (AHA)

Glycolic Acid Cream (AHA)
Advanced Smoothing Therapy
Glycolic acid (or hydroxyacetic-acid) is the smallest α-hydroxy acid (AHA).
 α-Hydroxy Acid
α-hydroxy acid are a class of chemical compounds that consist of a carboxylic acid substituted with a hydroxyl group on the adjacent carbon. They may be either naturally occurring or synthetic.
They are often found in products claiming to reduce wrinkles or the signs of aging, and improve the overall look and feel of the skin.
 They are also used as chemical peels available in a dermatologist's office, beauty and health spas and home kits, which usually contain a lower concentration.
Many well-known α-hydroxy acids are useful building blocks in organic synthesis: the most common and simple are glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, mandelic acid.
Cosmetic Applications
 AHAs most commonly used in cosmetic applications are typically derived from food products including glycolic acid (from sugar cane), lactic acid (from sour milk), malic acid (from apples), citric acid (from citrus fruits) and tartaric acid (from grape wine). For any topical compound to be effective, including AHA, it must penetrate into the skin where it can act on living cells. Bio-availability (influenced primarily by small molecular size) is an important factor in a compound's ability to penetrate the top layer of the skin. Glycolic acid, having the smallest molecular size, is the AHA with greatest bio-availability and penetrates the skin most easily.
 Epidermal Effect
AHAs have a profound effect on keratinization; which is clinically detectable by the formation of a new stratum corneum. It appears that AHAs modulate this formation through diminished cellular cohesion between coenocytes at the lowest levels of the stratum corneum.
Dermal Effects
AHAs with greater bio-availability appear to have deeper dermal effects. Glycolic acid, lactic acid and citric acid, on topical application to photo damaged skin, have been shown to produce increased amounts of mucopolysaccharides and collagen and increased skin thickness without detectable inflammation, as monitored by skin biopsies.
 Glycolic Acid Cream Is Effective For Skin
Glycolic acid cream is particularly effective  for skin rejuvenation because of
 Exfoliates & removing the uneven, rough layer of dead skin cell.
 Penetrate through upper layer of skin to begin exfoliation.
 Diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
 Improving skin hydration and overall skin health.
 Reduce the amount of surface skin oil.
 Removal of blackheads and other skin impurities.
Glycolic Acid
Due to its excellent capability to penetrate skin, glycolic acid finds applications in skin care products, most often as a chemical peel performed by a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or licensed aesthetician in concentrations of 20 to 70% or at-home kits in lower concentrations between 10 and 20%. In addition to concentration, pH also plays a large part in determining the potency of glycolic acid in solution. Physician-strength peels can have a pH as low as 0.6 (strong enough to completely keratolyze the epidermis), while acidities for home peels can be as high as 2.5.
Glycolic acid is used to improve the skin's appearance and texture. It may reduce wrinkles, acne scarring, hyper pigmentation and improve many other skin conditions, including actinic keratosis, hyperkeratosis, and seborrheic keratosis. Once applied, glycolic acid reacts with the upper layer of the epidermis, weakening the binding properties of the lipids that hold the dead skin cells together. This allows the stratum corneum to be exfoliated, exposing live skin cells. Highly purified grades of glycolic acid are commercially available for personal care applications.
Benefits Of BioOne
Glycolic Acid Cream
Glycolic acid is the main active ingredient in formulations such as glycolic creams, which offer a number of cosmetic and medicinal benefits.
Glycolic cream can be used to treat melasma. Melasma is a common skin disorder that is characterized by a dark discoloration on areas of the face that is exposed to the sun. Creams containing 10 percent glycolic acid helped to improve melasma.
 Glycolic cream is beneficial in treating and preventing acne. Glycolic acid is a natural treatment that can help reduce inflammation and acne breakouts. Glycolic acid works by helping to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells. It may also help to improve the appearance of your acne scars.
  Glycolic cream is beneficial for reducing lines and wrinkles that result from the aging process. Glycolic acid in this skin cream is beneficial in the treatment of skin wrinkles and blemishes. When applied topically to the skin, it has a strong exfoliating action that promotes the shedding of dead skin cells, which results in younger, healthier skin.
Keratosis Pilaris
       Glycolic cream may also be used to treat keratosis pilaris, a common childhood skin disorder that is characterized by small, rough spots over the thigh and the outer upper arm. It results when keratin, a protein compound in the skin, plugs up the hair follicles.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

BioOne Sun Block Cream

SPF-60 & 100

Sun Block Cream
With Photo-receptive/cellular Protective System

Why sun protection?
Bio one sun protection program help to prevent damaging effect of U.V Rays & neutralized the damaging effect of ultraviolet rays.
Three types of U.V rays contribute to skin cancer.
U.V–A rays go deep into the skin to cause damage like wrinkles, sagging & tanning. U.V-A rays passes through window glass. Tanning booths emit U.V-A rays
U.V-B rays are shorter and stronger. U.V-B rays burn your skin & eyes.
U.V-C rays are strongest and most dangerous. The ozone layer keeps them from reaching earth.
Types Of Skin Damage
Most of the sun damage occurs on part of the body that are repeatedly exposed to the sun such as head, neck, face, hands, forearm, & the lower regions of legs.
Sun burn occurs due to overexposure to the sun. The temperature of the skin rises drastically and skin becomes red and painful. It may even peel, swell or blister.
Suntan is a result of injury to the outermost layer (epidermis) of skin and body’s desperate attempt to protect it from the ultraviolet rays by accelerating the production of melanin. Suntan makes skin look darker than it usual complexion.
Photo-aging refer to the premature aging of skin due to prolonged exposure to sunlight, Often characterized by wrinkles, fine lines, age spot & roughness on skin.
Skin cancer:
Sun damage increases the risk of skin cancer.
Some of the signs and symptoms of skin cancers include: A sore that does not heal or heals only temporarily. Developing new moles or any change in texture or color of an existing mole. A new skin growth, Bleeding or change in the appearance of bump on the skin.
Sun allergy:
Some people are hypersensitivity to sunshine. Their immune System reacts to sunlight resulting in an itchy red rash often in the sun-exposed areas. In severe cases, hives or blisters may develop and spread to other part of the skin, even in clothed areas.
Bio one
Sun block cream

  1. Bio One Sun Block Cream SPF 60 Has Been Specially Formulated For Individuals Who Require Full Spectrum Protection From The Sun’s Damaging Effects.
  2. Bio one sun block is cosmetically elegant and all encapsulated, which means increased sun protection.
  3. Bio one sun block cream contains complete and total photo-receptive/cellular protective systems.
Super Sun block cream

Maximum skin protection from sun radiation
Sun Protection You Can Trust

  1. Bio one super block cream SPF 100 is the latest innovation in highly effective sun protection. It is a new and revolutionary way to apply sun screen to the skin.
  2. Through advanced micro-encapsulation technology, In wrapping molecules of protective sun screen chemicals in a microscopic silicate molecule.
  3. The result is a sun screen formula where the chemicals do not tough the skin, are not carcinogenic and do not cause irritations, while providing full SPF coverage when applied directly to the skin.