
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Men's & Women's Health, Beauty, Vitality Formula

Nature Wise
Healthy &Vitality

Men can enjoy lasting health, energy, and vitality with men’s health & vitality formula.
The customized formula contains over 35 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that support healthy aging, combat fatigue, stress and protect against disease.
Optimal amount of over 35 vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and herbal extracts Contains betaine hydrochloride (HCL) and a digestive enzyme blend to help maximize nutrient absorption.
Promotes optimal prostate support as well as overall health
Helps in the prevention and treatment of urinary tract and prostate problems
Supports healthy homocysteine, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels
Once or two tablet daily after meal.

Nature Wise
Health Beauty

Women’s health and beauty combination proven basic nutritional elements with advanced breakthroughs in nutritional science for a formula that is truly cutting edge
Its comprehensive selection of essential vitamins and minerals is further enhanced by a combination of herbs that help support a woman’s special cyclical needs
Its high-potency is designed to provide a gradual release of vitamins and minerals over a prolonged period of time
Customized with specific combination to meet the unique nutritional needs of women
Help to cope with daily stress with green tea for improved heart health, weight management and energy
It contains iron which is helpful for woman in pregnancy.
One or Two tablets daily

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Our Best Vitamin & Food Supplements

Pain Relief.
Boosts Energy.
Restores Health.
Strengthen Bones.
Essential Nutrients.
High Quality Ingredients.
Provides Resistance To Strength.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Glitzol (For Fungal Infections)

Glitzol (Capsule)

Only effective Anti Fungal against types of organism, dermatlophytes & moulds.
Pulse therapy has proven efficacy in onychomycosis.
·         Fungal Infection of the nails.
·         Fungal Infection throughout the body (systemic fungal infection)
·         Fungal menigitis
·         Fungal skin infections, eg athletes foot, ringworm, Candida skin infections.
·         Infections of mucosa caused by Candida fungi, eg thrush effecting the mouth or throat.
·         To prevent the fungal infection in patient who have no white blood cells called neutrophils to fight infection (neutropenia)
·         To prevent recurrence of fungal infection in patients with AIDS.
·       Vaginal thrush (candidasis)
Mechanism Of Action
            Itraconazole interacts with 14-α demethylase, a cytochrome P-450 enzyme necessary to convert lanosterol to ergosterol. As ergosterol is an essential component of the fungal cell membrane, inhibition of its synthesis results in increased cellular permeability causing leakage of cellular contents. Itraconazole may also inhibit endogenous respiration, interact with membrane phospholipids, inhibit the transformation of yeasts to mycelial forms, inhibit purine uptake, and impair triglyceride and/or phospholipid biosynthesis.
Itraconazole is an imidazole/triazole type antifungal agent. Itraconazole is a highly selective inhibitor of fungal cytochrome P-450 sterol C-14 α-demethylation via the inhibition of the enzyme cytochrome P450 14α-demethylase. This enzyme converts lanosterol to ergosterol, and is required in fungal cell wall synthesis. The subsequent loss of normal sterols correlates with the accumulation of 14 α-methyl sterols in fungi and may be partly responsible for the fungistatic activity of fluconazole. Mammalian cell demethylation is much less sensitive to fluconazole inhibition. Itraconazole exhibits in vitro activity against Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida spp. Fungistatic activity has also been demonstrated in normal and immunocompromised animal models for systemic and intracranial fungal infections due to Cryptococcus neoformans and for systemic infections due to Candida albicans.
The absolute oral bioavailability of itraconazole is 55%, and is maximal when taken with a full meal.
Volume Of Distribution
796 ± 185 L
Protein Binding
Itraconazole is extensively metabolized by the liver into a large number of metabolites, including hydroxy itraconazole, the major metabolite. The main metabolic pathways are oxidative scission of the dioxolane ring, aliphatic oxidation at the 1-methylpropyl substituent, N-dealkylation of this 1-methylpropyl substituent, oxidative degradation of the piperazine ring and triazolone scission.
Route Of Elimination
Itraconazole is metabolized predominately by the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme system (CYP3A4) in the liver, resulting in the formation of several metabolites, including hydroxy itraconazole, the major metabolite. Fecal excretion of the parent drug varies between 3-18% of the dose. Renal excretion of the parent drug is less than 0.03% of the dose. About 40% of the dose is excreted as inactive metabolites in the urine. No single excreted metabolite represents more than 5% of a dose.
Half life
21 hours
381 +/- 95 mL/minute [IV administration]
No significant lethality was observed when itraconazole was administered orally to mice and rats at dosage levels of 320 mg/kg or to dogs at 200 mg/kg.
Affected organisms
Fungi, yeast and protozoan’s.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

GOTER Terbinafine HCl Cream & Tablet ( For Fungal Infections Of Skin)

GOTER (Tablet)
Terbinafine has in vitro activity against yeasts and a wide range of dermatophyte, filamentous, dimorphic, and dematiaceous fungi. It is fungicidal against dermatophytes, such as Trichophyton species, Microsporum species, and Epidermophyton floccosum, as well as against Aspergillus species, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Sporothrix schenckii, Histoplasma capsulatum, Candida parapsilosis, and Pityrosporum yeasts. Terbinafine has also been shown to be active in vitro against the protozoal organisms Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania mexicana. However, clinical efficacy has not been demonstrated in the treatment of infections caused by B. dermatitidis, H. capsulatum, S. schenckii, C. neoformans, T. cruzi, and L. mexicana. Also, terbinafine is only fungistatic against Candida albicans.
Mechanism of action/Effect:
Terbinafine interferes with fungal ergosterol biosynthesis by inhibiting squalene epoxidase in the fungal cell membrane. This leads to a deficiency of ergosterol and an intracellular accumulation of squalene, thus disrupting fungal membrane function and cell wall synthesis, and resulting in fungal cell death.
·         Readily absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is 70 to 80% and is not affected by the presence of food.
·         Goter is lipophilic and extensively distributed. It rapidly diffuses from the vascular system, passes through the dermis and epidermis, and concentrates in the lipophilic stratum corneum. It is also distributed via the sebum to hair follicles and sebum-rich skin, resulting in high concentrations in hair follicles, hair, sebum-rich skin, and the nail plate within the first few weeks of therapy. It is also highly distributed to adipose tissue.
Protein binding:
·         Very high (> 99%), with binding evenly distributed among all plasma fractions.

Approximately 0.8 hour.
Distribution Half life:

Approximately 4.6 hours.
Plasma: 11 to 17 hours.
Sebum: 3 to 5 days.
Stratum corneum: 3 to 5 days.

    Renal—Approximately 80% of an administered dose is excreted in the urine as metabolites.
    Fecal—Approximately 20% is eliminated in feces.

GOTER (Cream)
Terbinafine Hydrochloride
Goter cream contains the active ingredient terbinafine hydrochloride, which is an antifungal medicine used to treat infections caused by fungi. Terbinafine kills fungi and yeasts by interfering with their cell membranes. It works by stopping fungi from producing a substance called ergosterol, which is an essential component of fungal cell membranes. The disruption in production of ergosterol disrupts the cell membrane and causes holes to appear. The cell membranes of fungi are vital for their survival. They keep unwanted substances from entering the cells and stop the contents of the cells from leaking out. As terbinafine causes holes to appear in the cell membranes, essential constituents of the fungal cells can leak out. This kills the fungi and hence clears up the infection. Goter cream is applied to the skin to treat a wide range of fungal skin infections. Improvement in symptoms is usually seen after a few days of treatment, but the prescribed course should be finished to ensure the infection is completely cured and prevent it returning.

What is it used for?
Fungal infections of the skin such as those below.
·         Athlete's foot (tinea pedis).
·         Fungal infection of the groin, i.e. jock itch (tinea cruris).
·         Ringworm (tinea corporis).
·         Pityriasis versicolor.
·         Yeast infections of the skin, eg Candida albicans.

  • This cream is for external use only.
  • Clean and dry the affected area of skin thoroughly before applying the cream.
  • Wash your hands after application.
  • Avoid getting the cream in contact with the eyes. If it does accidentally enter the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
  • Make sure you use this medicine regularly and complete the course as directed by your doctor. It is important to complete the course, even if your symptoms have cleared up, otherwise there is a risk of the infection returning.
  • If there are no signs of improvement after two weeks, consult your doctor.
Not to be used in
  • Breastfeeding.
  • This medicine is not licensed for children.
This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.
If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.
  • The safety of this medicine for use during pregnancy has not been established. It is not recommended for use in pregnancy, unless considered essential by your doctor. Seek medical advice from your doctor if you are pregnant.
  • This medicine may pass into breast milk. It should not be used by breastfeeding mothers. Infants should not be allowed to come into contact with any treated skin, including the breasts. Seek further medical advice from your doctor.
 Store at room temperature between 68-77 degrees F (20-25 degrees C) away from light and heat. Do not refrigerate. Keep all medicines away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into a drain unless instructed to do so.